Top 5 basic MVC interview questions in Laravel

Q1. What do you understand by MVC?

Ans. MVC means Model, View and Controller. This is a software architecture pattern for the web applications development.

Q2. What is the role Model-View-Controller in an MVC application?

Ans. MVC model performs a very important role in an MVC based application, details are given below:-

Model – A Model, in the context of a Laravel, is the representation of the data which is to be send to the Controller.

View – It represents the user interface which be used by end-users. In short, all the user interface logic is contained within View.

Controller – It is the controller that answers the user’s actions. On the basis of user actions, the respective controller responds with the help of model gets data and chooses a view to be render that displays the user interface. The user input logic is handle by the controller.

Q3. What are the benefits of MVC use?

Ans. There are lots of benefits if we use MVC framework some of them listed below:-

(a) MVC makes the project more systematic.
(b) MVC organised the project into a different type segments, and project development become easy for developers.
(c) It helps to developers to keep a clear separation between business logic and presentation logic.
(d) Easy to manage and maintain the project.
(e) MVC model provides good security feature.

Q4. Is there any drawbacks of the MVC model use?

Ans. Yes there are few drawbacks as well, these brawbacks listed below:-

(a) The model pattern is a little complex, not so easy to understand.
(b) We can’t directly access the data in view.
(c) We need multiple programmers for parallel development of a project.
(d) It is not suitable for small applications which has negative effect on the application’s performance and design
(e) Need experienced developers to work on MVC project.

Q5. What is the life cycle of MVC application?

Ans. In MVC applications all request are handle by routes. Based on user request the route calls the  method of controller which calls the model for the getting data and in last controller process the data pass it to the view to display result.

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