Q1 What is Laravel?
Ans. Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, this follows the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony.
Q2. Who has created laravel framework?
Ans. Taylor Otwell has created laravel framework. Its first version was released on 9th June 2011.
Q3. What is Composer?
Ans. The composer is a package manager of the framework. It helps in adding new packages from the large community into your Laravel application.
Q4. What is the template engine in Laravel?
Ans. The blade is a very simple & powerful templating engine that comes in Laravel. The blade provides the ability to use the mustache-like syntax with the plain PHP and compile it into plain PHP. It is cached until any other change happens in the blade file. The blade file has a .blade.php extension.
Q5. List the databases name supported by Laravel?
Ans. Laravel mainly supports the following databases:-
(a) PostgreSQL
(b) SQL Server
(c) SQLite
(d) MySQL
Q6. What is the artisan in Laravel?
Ans. The Laravel artisan is the name of the command-line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your application. It is driven by the powerful Symfony Console component.
Q7. What are the default route files in Laravel?
Ans. There are four default route files in the routes folder in Laravel:-
(a) web.php – This is used for registering web routes.
(b) api.php – This is used for registering API routes.
(c) console.php – This is used for registering closure-based console commands.
(d) channel.php – This is used for registering all your event broadcasting channels that your application supports.
Q8. Why use Route in Laravel?
Ans. The route is a way of creating a request URL for your Laravel application. These URLs do not have to link to a file on a website. The good thing about these URLs is that they are both human-readable and SEO-friendly. In Laravel 5.5, routes are created inside the routes folder.
Q9. List out some common artisan commands used in Laravel?
Ans. The Laravel supports the following artisan commands:
(a) PHP artisan make:controller;
(b) PHP artisan down;
(c) PHP artisan make:model;
(d) PHP artisan up;
(e) PHP artisan make:middleware;
(f) PHP artisan make:migration;
Q10. What are the common HTTP error codes?
Ans. The most used common HTTP error codes are:-