WordPress theme related Top 10 interview questions

Q1. What are the necessary files to create a WordPress theme?

Ans. A WordPress theme can have different type of files based on the layouts and functionality. But if we talk about minimum files requirements then you should have these files to create a basic WordPress theme.

(a) index.php – This is the main template file of the theme.
(b) styles.css – This is the main stylesheet file use in the theme.
(c) functions.php – This file contains the functions and theme’s programming code.
(d) comments.php – The comment template which is included wherever comments are allowed.
(e) Screenshot – The screenshot works as a visual indicator of what your theme looks like. It is visible both in the web view and in the admin dashboard. The screenshot must not be bigger than 1200 x 900px.

Q2. Can we use different type of layouts in a WordPress theme to display content in different way?

Ans. Yes, we can use different type of layouts in a WordPress theme to display content in different way. We can create different layouts for different page  using templates in a theme. For example:- Full-Width Layout, Page with Sidebar, Page without Sidebar. 

Q3. Why do we need WordPress Themes?

Ans. The WordPress Themes are files that work together to create the design and functionality of a WordPress site. Each Theme may be different, offering many choices for site owners to instantly change their website look. Read more

Q4. What is the theme folder and file structure?

Ans. The default Twenty themes are some of the best examples of good theme development. For instance, here is how the Twenty Seventeen Theme organizes its file structure:

assets (dir)
- CSS (dir)
- images (dir)
- js (dir)
inc (dir)
template-parts (dir)
- footer (dir)
- header (dir)
- navigation (dir)
- page (dir)
- post (dir)

Q5. What is a Template Tag?

Ans. A template tag is simply a piece of code that tells WordPress to get something from the database. It is broken up into three components:

(a) A PHP code tag
(b) A WordPress function
(c) Optional parameters

For example:-

the_title() – This is used to display the title of a page or post.
the_permalink() – This is used to display the URL of that page or post.
the_content() – This is used to display the content of a page or post.
the_excerpt() – This is used to display the summary of a page or post.

You can use a template tag to call another theme file or some information from the database. Read More

Q6. What are the template partials?

Ans. The template partial is a template file that contains a small piece of code, we use this file to include within another template file.

Eg: We can create separate templates for header, footer, or sidebar, and then we can include these template files or template partials within our main template file.

(a) header.php – To get our website’s header
(b) footer.php – To get our website’s footer
(c) sidebar.php – To get our website’s sidebar

Q7. What are the default post types used in WordPress?

Ans. WordPress has 5 default post types, the list is given below:-
(a) Posts
(b) Pages
(c) Attachments
(d) Revisions
(e) Navigation Menu

Q8. What are the conditional Tags used in WordPress?

Ans. The conditional tags are the pre-built functions in WordPress, normally we use these tags to display content or perform any action in a specific condition.

For Example:

is_home(); – This tag is used to check whether the current page is the home page or not.
is_single(); – This tag is used to check whether the current page is a single page or not.

Q9. What is the child theme in WordPress?

Ans. The child theme is a sub-theme that inherits all the functionality, features, and style of its parent theme.

Q10. What is the use of a child theme?

Ans. The child mainly use to modify the parent theme without actually doing any changes in the parent theme’s files.

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