WordPress plugins’ top 5 interview questions

Q1. What is the plugin?

Ans. WordPress Plugins are PHP scripts that extend the functionality of WordPress. They enhance the features of WordPress or add entirely new features to your site just in the same way as apps do for our smartphones.

Q2. list some important WordPress plugins?

Ans. There are lots of important plugins, some of them are listed below:-

(a) Yoast SEO Plugin: This plugin is used for SEO purposes.
(b) Contact Form 7: This plugin is used to create web forms without any code
(c) Woocommerce: This plugin is used to create an e-commerce website in WordPress.

Q3. What are the benefits of WordPress plugins?

Ans. Different types of plugins add some extra features to our WordPress website. The few benefits of WordPress Plugins are listed below:-

(a) Helps in SEO when we use any SEO plugin. For example:- Yoast Plugin
(b) WordPress plugins are easy to use and quick installation process.
(c) It helps to Keep secure by using any security plugin. For example:- All In One WP Security & Firewall
(d) If we are stuck in any problem then there is strong Community Support.
(e) Easily available plugins as per our requirements.

Q4. How we can install any plugin in WordPress?

Ans. Search, install and activate is the best way to install any plugin on a WordPress website. The steps are listed below:-

(a) Login as Administrator role in your WordPress website.
(b) Click on the menu “Plugins,” and “Add New.”
(c) Search for the required plugin by typing the name or functionality.
(d) You may see lots of plugins listing.
(e) Just select the plugin that you want and click ‘Install Now.’
(f) WordPress will download and install the selected plugin.
(g) After its installation is complete click on the ‘Activate’ button to activate the installed plugin.

Q5. What are the basic rules to follow while developing a new WordPress plugin?

Ans. There are some basic rules that we need to follow while developing any new plugins. A list of these rules are given below:-

(a) Keep unique plugin name.
(b) Keep all files of your plugin in a folder, its name should be like your plugin name.
(c) Create a sub-folder for PHP files, assets, and translations files.
(d) Activate and deactivate function should be there for the plugin.
(e) In the main file of your plugin should have the header information.
(f) Code for uninstalling your plugin.
(g) Add a readme.txt file for your plugin.
(h) Use of proper functions and constants to detect paths of the plugin file.

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